May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and yesterday I had a bad mental health day… I woke up dreading the morning, another day of simply existing to clean, cook, and repeat. I haven’t been sleeping again, and I haven’t been eating well either. I just take care of everyone and everything for eighteen hours a day, and I’m not doing well with any of it.

Days like this suck, and they are truly frustrating, but they do exist. I gave in to my bad day, and allowed myself to have it, but I didn’t feel bad for myself. Most days like this I grow angry with myself for not pulling it together, and I’m frustrated that I can’t fake it for twenty-four hours. Instead I miserably existed, and I woke up on Sunday.

I am sharing this because even if you are in treatment you are going to have those bad days. Hell, I’ve been seeking treatment for the last sixteen years, and I still have bad days. It is important to show up even on the bad ones, and get through it. Healing from multiple mental health diagnoses isn’t always pretty, but I keep pushing.